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Mingolarra, Antonio (1990) Deporte e identidad: el caso vasco. Le football et l'Europe, 125/90 (28). European University Institute, Florence, Firenze, 7 p.
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Mariottini, Diego Tiki taka Budapest: leggenda ascesa e declino dell' Ungheria di Puskas. Bradipolibri, Ivrea, 130 p. ISBN 9788899146214
Massini, Stefano (2019) Ladies football club. Mondadori LIbri, Milano, 189 p. ISBN 9788804719540
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Rethacker, Jean Philippe (1976) L'equipe de france de football. Odil, Parigi, 349 p.
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Sohre, Helmut (1981) Fubball total. Limpert, 198 p. ISBN 3785313683
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Wood, Denis Hill Bobby Charlton's book of european football: number 2. Bobby Charlton's book of european football (2). Souvenir Press LTD, London, 127 p. ISBN 0285502816