Die sozialstruktur des detschen fußballsports: 1890-1950

Eisenberg, Christiane (1990) Die sozialstruktur des detschen fußballsports: 1890-1950. Le football et l'Europe, 126/90 (29). European University Institute, Florence, Firenze, 33 p.

Item Type: Book
Creators: Eisenberg, Christiane
Title: Die sozialstruktur des detschen fußballsports: 1890-1950
Place of Publication: Firenze
Publisher: European University Institute, Florence
Date: 3 May 1990
Notes: Atti del Convegno coordinato dallo European University Institute, Firenze 3-5 maggio 1990.
Number of Pages: 33
Series Name: Le football et l'Europe
Languages: German
Classification: 1 Football > 1.9 History > 1.92 Other Nations
Keywords: Germania. Cultura sportiva. Dimensione sociale.
Location: Library - Coverciano
Shelflist: 1.92 EIS
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