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FIGC Library Classification
0 Reference
0.1 Encyclopaedias
0.11 Football
0.12 Sport
0.2 Dictionaries
0.21 Football
0.22 Sport
0.23 Medicine
0.3 Yearbooks
0.31 Football
0.311 Italian
0.3111 Calcio mondiale
0.3113 Panini
0.312 International
0.3121 Rothmans
0.32 Sport
0.33 Medicine
0.4 English Courses
0.5 Documentation Centro Studi
0.51 Economy
0.511 Economy of Sport
0.52 Facilities
0.53 Marketing and Media
0.531 Marketing
0.532 Sponsorship
0.533 Merchandising
0.534 TV
0.535 New Media
0.54 Socio-cultural Area
0.55 Legal Area
0.56 Chronicle
0.57 Sports Institutions
0.58 Events
0.581 Major Events
0.582 Competitions
0.59 Pubblicazioni FIGC
1 Football
1.1 Athletic Training
1.2 Technique and Tactics
1.21 Technique
1.22 Tactics
1.221 Playing Positions
1.2211 Striker
1.2212 Midfielder
1.2213 Defender
1.2214 Goalkeeper
1.222 Schemes or Playing Systems
1.223 Offensive Phase
1.224 Defensive Phase
1.225 Match Analysis
1.226 Inactive Playing Situation
1.3 Coaches
1.4 Regulations
1.41 Rules of the Football Game
1.42 Federal Sheets
1.43 Case Histories
1.44 Referees
1.45 International Regulations
1.5 International Federation/FIFA
1.51 International Confederations
1.511 UEFA
1.52 National Federations
1.521 Italy/FIGC
1.522 Other Nations
1.6 Youth Football
1.7 Football with teams of less than 11 players
1.71 Futsal
1.72 Beach Soccer
1.8 Women's Football
1.9 History
1.91 Italy
1.911 Club
1.9111 Fiorentina
1.9112 Inter
1.9113 Juventus
1.9114 Lazio
1.9115 Milan
1.9116 Perugia
1.9117 Roma
1.9118 Torino
1.912 National Team
1.9121 World Cups
1.9122 European Championship
1.92 Other Nations
1.921 Club
1.922 League
1.923 Competitions
1.924 World Cups
1.9241 Argentina
1.9242 France
1.9243 Germany
1.9244 Italy
1.9245 Mexico
1.9246 Spain
1.9247 USA
1.925 European Championship
1.93 Biographies
2 Economy and Management
2.1 Football
2.2 Sport
2.3 Facilities
2.31 Football
2.32 Sport
3 Psychology
3.1 Football
3.2 Sport
4 Sociology
4.1 Football
4.11 Social Behaviour
4.2 Sport
4.21 Social Behaviour
4.3 Communication
4.31 Football
4.32 Sport
5 Sport
5.1 Italy
5.11 Italian National Olympic Committee/CONI
5.2 Other Sports
5.211 Martial Arts
5.212 Athletics
5.213 Bocce
5.214 Cycling
5.215 Artistic Gymnastics
5.216 Golf
5.217 Fighting
5.218 Swimming
5.219 Basketball
5.220 Handball
5.221 Volleyball
5.222 Boxing
5.223 Rugby
5.224 Fencing
5.225 Skiing
5.226 Tennis
5.3 Athletic Training
5.31 Stretching
5.4 Olympic Games
5.41 History
5.42 Summer Olympics
5.421 Berlin
5.422 Los Angeles
5.423 Mexico City
5.424 Munich
5.425 Rome
5.426 Seoul
5.43 Winter Olympics
5.44 Football
5.5 History
6 Physical Activity
6.1 Basic Physical Activity
7 Sports Law
7.1 Football
7.2 Sport Associations
8 Medicine
8.1 Anatomy and Physiology
8.11 Respiratory System
8.12 Circulatory System
8.13 Eating
8.2 Biomechanics and Traumatology
8.21 Rehabilitation
8.211 Physioterapy
8.3 Hygiene and Preventive Medicine
8.4 Internal Medicine and Semeiotics
8.41 Pain
8.5 Forensic Pathology
8.51 Health Protection of Sport Activities
8.511 Doping
8.6 Functional Assessment
9 Literature
9.1 Narrative
9.11 Football
9.2 Poetry
9.21 Football
9.3 Autobiography
9.31 Football