World Cup Mexico 70

Ford, Donald and Courte, René (1972) World Cup Mexico 70. The Grange Press, Great Britain

Item Type: Book
Creators: Ford, Donald and Courte, René
Corporate Creators: FIFA Fédération Internationale de Football Association
Title: World Cup Mexico 70
Place of Publication: Great Britain
Publisher: The Grange Press
Date: 1972
Notes: Sul front.: Official FIFA report.
Languages: English
Classification: 1 Football > 1.9 History > 1.92 Other Nations > 1.924 World Cups > 1.9245 Mexico
Keywords: Cerimonia. Competizione. Doping. Trofeo.
Location: Library - Coverciano
Museum Library - Coverciano
Shelflist: 1.9245 FOR/a, 1.9245 FOR/b, 1.9245 FOR
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