Association football laws illustrated

Lover, Stanley (1971) Association football laws illustrated. Pelham Books, Londra, 128 p.

Item Type: Book
Creators: Lover, Stanley
Title: Association football laws illustrated
Place of Publication: Londra
Publisher: Pelham Books
Date: January 1971
Number of Pages: 128
Languages: English
Classification: 1 Football > 1.4 Regulations > 1.45 International Regulations
Abstract/Index: Describing the basic components required for an organised football match. Dealing of staring and restarting the game and the scoring of goals. Examples of off-side, physical acts against opponents considered illegal, technical offences, acts of misconduct against the spirit of the game. Duties of the officials, enforcing the laws, recommended system of match control. Players code of conduct, advice to players, referees and club officials in the proper conduct of the game. Official laws of the game and international board decision.
Keywords: Gestualità. Articoli regolamentari.
Location: Library - Coverciano
Shelflist: 1.45 LOV
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