Manchester United: 659 million people can’t be wrong. Can they?

Harris, Nick (2012) Manchester United: 659 million people can’t be wrong. Can they? [Documentazione Centro Studi]

Item Type: Documentazione Centro Studi
Creators: Harris, Nick
Corporate Creators: Sporting Intelligence
Title: Manchester United: 659 million people can’t be wrong. Can they?
Date: 7 June 2012
Languages: English
Classification: 0 Reference > 0.5 Documentation Centro Studi > 0.56 Chronicle
Abstract/Index: Articolo di Sporting Intelligence del 2012 sulla fan base del Manchester United, contenente la segmentazione per provenienza geografica dei tifosi. L'articolo dibatte inoltre sulle modalità adottate per identificare una persona come "tifoso".
Keywords: Manchester United. Supporter.
Location: Centro Studi Federale – Rome
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