Big events find new frontiers: in the coming decade, changing global dynamics and a battle against illegal betting will be at play in the world of sports. Hosting of major contests now shift from Western sites to emerging nations

Clarey, Christopher (2012) Big events find new frontiers: in the coming decade, changing global dynamics and a battle against illegal betting will be at play in the world of sports. Hosting of major contests now shift from Western sites to emerging nations. [Documentazione Centro Studi]

Item Type: Documentazione Centro Studi
Creators: Clarey, Christopher
Title: Big events find new frontiers: in the coming decade, changing global dynamics and a battle against illegal betting will be at play in the world of sports. Hosting of major contests now shift from Western sites to emerging nations
Date: 25 April 2012
Notes: In: International Herald Tribune, p. 10
Languages: English
Classification: 0 Reference > 0.5 Documentation Centro Studi > 0.58 Events > 0.581 Major Events
Keywords: Grandi eventi. Mondiali. Olimpiadi. Giochi olimpici. Nazioni emergenti.
Location: Centro Studi Federale – Rome
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