The Barcellona boom: the hottest soccer club in the world right now is thriving despite Spain's financial crisis - and one of the stranger ownership structures in sports

Fontevecchia, Agustino (2012) The Barcellona boom: the hottest soccer club in the world right now is thriving despite Spain's financial crisis - and one of the stranger ownership structures in sports. [Documentazione Centro Studi]

Item Type: Documentazione Centro Studi
Creators: Fontevecchia, Agustino
Title: The Barcellona boom: the hottest soccer club in the world right now is thriving despite Spain's financial crisis - and one of the stranger ownership structures in sports
Date: 7 May 2012
Notes: In: Forbes, p. 40.
Languages: English
Classification: 0 Reference > 0.5 Documentation Centro Studi > 0.51 Economy > 0.511 Economy of Sport
Abstract/Index: Contiene tabella con dati sui 20 club mondiali con maggiore valore.
Keywords: Crisi. Azionariato popolare. Bilancio.
Location: Centro Studi Federale – Rome
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