Football agents in the biggest five european football markets: an empirical research report

Poli, Raffaele and Rossi, Giambattista and Besson, Roger (2012) Football agents in the biggest five european football markets: an empirical research report. [Documentazione Centro Studi]

Item Type: Documentazione Centro Studi
Creators: Poli, Raffaele and Rossi, Giambattista and Besson, Roger
Corporate Creators: CIES Football Observatory
Title: Football agents in the biggest five european football markets: an empirical research report
Date: February 2012
Languages: English
Classification: 0 Reference > 0.5 Documentation Centro Studi > 0.54 Socio-cultural Area
Abstract/Index: Studio del CIES relativo all'anno 2012 sul mondo degli agenti di calciatori operanti in Francia, Germania, Inghilterra, Italia e Spagna. Contiene statistiche segmentate per nazione, profilo demografico, servizi e livelli di attività.
Keywords: Agenti. Procuratori. Intermediari.
Location: Centro Studi Federale – Rome
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