
Athletic Institute. Ed. Beim, George and Gerard, Engh and Schinto, Tony. (1981) Futbol. Augusto E. Pila Telena, Madrid, 91 p. ISBN 8485514173

Item Type: Book
Corporate Creators: Athletic Institute
Title: Futbol
Editors: Beim, George and Gerard, Engh and Schinto, Tony
Place of Publication: Madrid
Publisher: Augusto E. Pila Telena
Date: 1981
Number of Pages: 91
ISBN: 8485514173
Languages: Spanish
Classification: 1 Football > 1.6 Youth Football
Keywords: Tecnica di base. Tecnica applicata.
Location: Library - Coverciano
Shelflist: 1.6 ATH/a, 1.6 ATH/b
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