Sport nutrition for the 90s

Berning, Jacqueline and Nelson Steen, Suzanne (1991) Sport nutrition for the 90s. AN Aspen Publication, Gaithesburg Maryland, 299 p. ISBN 0834202166

Item Type: Book
Creators: Berning, Jacqueline and Nelson Steen, Suzanne
Title: Sport nutrition for the 90s
Place of Publication: Gaithesburg Maryland
Publisher: AN Aspen Publication
Date: 1991
Number of Pages: 299
ISBN: 0834202166
Languages: English
Classification: 8 Medicine > 8.1 Anatomy and Physiology > 8.13 Eating
Keywords: Nutrizione. Consumi. Calorie. Dieta. Elementi. Metabolismo.
Location: Library - Coverciano
Shelflist: 8.13 BER
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