L'entrainement de force:theorie et pratique

Kunz, H.R. and Shneider, W. (1991) L'entrainement de force:theorie et pratique. ABC de medicine du sport. Masson, Paris, 177 p. ISBN 2225823537

Item Type: Book
Creators: Kunz, H.R. and Shneider, W.
Title: L'entrainement de force:theorie et pratique
Place of Publication: Paris
Publisher: Masson
Date: 1991
Number of Pages: 177
Series Name: ABC de medicine du sport
ISBN: 2225823537
Languages: French
Classification: 5 Sport > 5.3 Athletic Training
Keywords: Adattamento. Condizionali. Esercitazioni. Metodologia.
Location: Library - Coverciano
Shelflist: 5.3 KUN
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